Publications (from 2016)
Burton, T. J., Kumar, A. R., Lingawi, N. W., Gladding, J. M., Balleine, B. W., & Laurent, V. (2024). Response-independent outcome presentations dissociate stimulus and value based choice: Instrumental degradation and specific PIT. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 107989. Read More.
Leung, B. K., Chieng, B., Becchi, S., & Balleine, B. W. (2024). A ventral pallidal-thalamocortical circuit mediates the cognitive control of instrumental action. Current Biology. Read More.
Turner, K. M. (2024). Prefrontal Control of Actions and Habits. In Habits: Their Definition, Neurobiology, and Role in Addiction (pp. 169-189). Springer International Publishing. Read More.
Hart, G., Burton, T. J., & Balleine, B. W. (2024). What role does striatal dopamine play in goal-directed action? Neuroscience, 546, 20-32. Read More.
Hart, G., Burton, T. J., Nolan, C. R., & Balleine, B. W. (2024). Striatal dopamine release tracks the relationship between actions and their consequences. Cell Reports, 43(3), 113828. Read More.
Ferguson, L. A., Matamales, M., Nolan, C., Balleine, B. W., & Bertran-Gonzalez, J. (2024). Adaptation of sequential action benefits from timing variability related to lateral basal ganglia circuitry. iScience. Read More.
Filipčíková, M., Balleine, B., Kumfor, F., & McDonald, S. (2024). Action control and selection in social disinhibition following severe TBI: a pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer and outcome devaluation study. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology, 1-15. Read More.
Park, J., Lingawi, N. W., Crimmins, B. E., Gladding, J. M., Nolan, C. R., Burton, T. J., & Laurent, V. (2024). Stimulus–outcome associations are required for the expression of specific Pavlovian-instrumental transfer. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition, 50(1), 25–38. Read More.
Turner, K. M. and Balleine, B.W. (2023) Stimulus-control of habits: Evidence for both stimulus-specificity and devaluation insensitivity in a dual-response task. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. Read More.
Quang, H., Le Heron, C., Balleine, B., Nguyen, T. V., Nguyen, T. Q., Nguyen, M. N., Kumfor, F., & McDonald, S. (2023). Reduced Sensitivity to Background Reward Underlies Apathy After Traumatic Brain Injury: Insights From an Ecological Foraging Framework. Neuroscience, 528, 26-36. Read More.
Leung, B. K., Merlin, S., Walker, A. K., Lawther, A. J., Paxinos, G., Eapen, V., Clarke, R., Balleine, B. W., & Furlong, T. M. (2023). Immp2l knockdown in male mice increases stimulus-driven instrumental behaviour but does not alter goal-directed learning or neuron density in cortico-striatal circuits in a model of Tourette syndrome and autism spectrum disorder. Behavioural Brain Research, 114610. Read More.
Becchi, S., Chieng, B., Bradfield, L. A., Capellán, R., Leung, B. K., & Balleine, B. W. (2023). Cognitive effects of thalamostriatal degeneration are ameliorated by normalizing striatal cholinergic activity. Science Advances, 9(25), eade8247. Read More.
Gladding JM, Lingawi NW, Leung BK, Kendig MD, Chieng BC, Laurent V (2023) High fat diet allows food-predictive stimuli to energize action performance in the absence of hunger, without distorting insulin signaling on accumbal cholinergic interneurons. Appetite, 106769. Read more.
Bertran-Gonzalez, J., Dinale, C., & Matamales, M. (2023). Restoring the youthful state of striatal plasticity in aged mice re-enables cognitive control of action. Current Biology, 33, 1-11. Read More.
Dhungana, A., Becchi, S., Leake, J., Morris, G., Avgan, N., Balleine, B. W., Vissel, B., & Bradfield, L. A. (2023). Goal-directed action is transiently impaired in a hAPP-J20 mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. eNeuro. Read More.
Burton, T. J., Hart, G., & Balleine, B. W. (2022) What does dopamine release reveal about latent inhibition? Learning & Behaviour. Read More.
Perkes, I. E., Morris, R. W., Griffiths, K. R., Quail, S., Waters, F., O’Brien, M., Hazell, P. L., & Balleine, B. W. (2022). The motivational determinants of human action, their neural bases and functional impact in adolescents with OCD. Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science, 3(4), 1062-1072. Read More.
Ge, M. & Balleine, B. W. (2022) The role of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in the motivational control of instrumental action. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 16:968593. Read More.
Burton, T. J. & Balleine, B. W. (2022) The positive valence system, adaptive behaviour and the origins of reward. Emerging Topics in Life Sciences, ETLS20220007. Read More.
Crimmins, B., Burton, T. J., McNulty, M., Laurent, V., Hart, G., & Balleine, B. W. (2022). Response-independent outcome presentations weaken the instrumental response-outcome association. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition, 48(4), 396–412. Read More.
Becchi, S., Hood, J., Kendig, M.D., Mohammadkhani, A., Shipman, M.L., Balleine, B.W., Borgland, S.L. and Corbit, L.H., 2022. Food for thought: diet-induced impairments to decision-making and amelioration by N-acetylcysteine in male rats. Psychopharmacology, 239, 3495–3506. Read More.
Quang, H., Kumfor, F., Balleine, B., Nguyen, T. V., Nguyen, T. Q., Nguyen, M. N., & McDonald, S. (2022). Contributions of intrinsic and extrinsic reward sensitivity to apathy: Evidence from traumatic brain injury. Neuropsychology. Read More.
Watson, P., O’Callaghan, C., Perkes, I., Bradfield, L., & Turner, K. (2022). Making habits measurable beyond what they are not: a focus on associative dual-process models. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 104869. Read More.
Crimmins BE, Lingawi NW, Chieng BC, Leung BK, Maren S, Laurent V (2022) Basal forebrain cholinergic signaling in the basolateral amygdala promotes strength and durability of fear memories. Neuropsychopharmacology. Read More.
Kassem, M. S., & Balleine, B. W. (2022). A novel estimation method for the counting of dendritic spines. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 368, 109454. Read More.
Holmes NM, Fam JP, Clemens KJ, Laurent V, Westbrook RF (2022) The neural substrates of higher-order conditioning: a review. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 104687. Read more.
Fam J., Chieng B., Westbrook R. F., Laurent V., & Holmes N. M (2022) Second-order fear conditioning involves formation of competing stimulus-danger and stimulus-safety associations. Cerebral Cortex, 1, 13. Read More.
Lingawi, N. W., Berman, T., Bounds, J., & Laurent, V. (2022). Sensory-Specific Satiety Dissociates General and Specific Pavlovian-Instrumental Transfer. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 145. Read More.
Morris, R. W., Dezfouli, A., Griffiths, K. R., Le Pelley, M. E., & Balleine, B. W. (2022). The neural bases of action-outcome learning in humans. Journal of Neuroscience, 42(17), 3636-3647. Read More.
Laurent, V., Westbrook, R.F. & Balleine, B.W. (2022) Affective Valence Regulates Associative Competition in Pavlovian Conditioning. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 16:801474. Read More.
Pool, E. R., Gera, R., Fransen, A., Perez, O. D., Cremer, A., Aleksic, M., Tanwisuth, S., Quail, S., Ceceli, A. O., Manfredi, D. A., Nave, G., Tricomi, E., Balleine, B., Schonberg, T., Schwabe, L. & O'Doherty, J. P. (2022). Determining the effects of training duration on the behavioral expression of habitual control in humans: a multilaboratory investigation. Learning & Memory, 29(1), 16-28. Read More.
Balleine, B. W. (2022). Animal models of action control and cognitive dysfunction in Parkinson's disease. Progress in brain research, 269(1), 227-255. Read More.
Mor, D., Becchi, S., Bowring, J., Tsoukalas, M., & Balleine, B. W. (2022). CRF-receptor1 modulation of the dopamine projection to prelimbic cortex facilitates cognitive flexibility after acute and chronic stress. Neurobiology of stress, 16, 100424. Read More.
Becchi, S., Buson, A., & Balleine, B. W. (2021). Inhibition of vascular adhesion protein 1 protects dopamine neurons from the effects of acute inflammation and restores habit learning in the striatum. Journal of neuroinflammation, 18(1), 1-19. Read More.
Balleine, B. W. (2021). Emotional predictions and choice. Nature Human Behaviour, 5(10), 1271-1272. Read More.
Quang, H., Kumfor, F., Nguyen, T. V., Nguyen, T. Q., Nguyen, M. N., Balleine, B., & Mcdonald, S. (2021). Altered intrinsic and extrinsic reward sensitivity underpins apathy: Evidence from moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 429, 119231. Read More.
Lingawi, N. W., Laurent, V., Westbrook, R. F., & Holmes, N. M. (2021). Acquisition and extinction of second-order context conditioned fear: role of the amygdala. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 107485. Read more.
Laurent, V., Priya, P., Crimmins, B. E., & Balleine, B. W. (2021). General Pavlovian-instrumental transfer tests reveal selective inhibition of the response type-whether Pavlovian or instrumental-performed during extinction. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 107483. Read More.
Turner K.M., Balleine B.W., Bradfield L.A. (2021) Does disrupting the orbitofrontal cortex alter sensitivity to punishment? A potential mechanism of compulsivity. Behavioral neuroscience, 135, 174 - 181. Read More.
Matamales, M. (2021). How dopamine leads to hallucinations. Science, 372(6537), 33-34. Read More.
Ztaou, S., Oh, S. J., Tepler, S., Fleury, S., Matamales, M., Bertran-Gonzalez, J., Chuhma, N. & Rayport, S. (2021). Single dose of amphetamine induces delayed subregional attenuation of striatal cholinergic interneuron activity. Eneuro, 8(5). Read More.
Balleine, B. W., Peak, J., Matamales, M., Bertran-Gonzalez, J., & Hart, G. (2021). The dorsomedial striatum: an optimal cellular environment for encoding and updating goal-directed learning. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 41, 38-44. Read More.
Payzan-LeNestour, E., Pradier, L., Doran, J., Nave, G., & Balleine, B. (2021). Impact of ambient sound on risk perception in humans: neuroeconomic investigations. Scientific reports, 11(1), 1-13. Read More.
Laurent, V., & Balleine, B. W. (2021). How predictive learning influences choice: Evidence for a GPCR‐based memory process necessary for Pavlovian‐instrumental transfer. Journal of Neurochemistry. Read More.
Payzan-LeNestour, E., Pradier, L., Doran, J., Nave, G., & Balleine, B. (2021). Impact of ambient sound on risk perception in humans: neuroeconomic investigations. Scientific reports, 11(1), 1-13. Read More.
Peak, J., Chieng, B., Hart, G., & Balleine, B. W. (2020). Striatal direct and indirect pathway neurons differentially control the encoding and updating of goal-directed learning. eLife, 9. Read More.
Fisher, SD, Ferguson, LA, Bertran-Gonzalez, J & Balleine, BW (2020). Amygdala-cortical control of striatal plasticity drives the acquisition of goal-directed action. Current Biology. Read More.
Mo, M, Jönsson, ME, Mathews, MA, Johnstone, D, Ke, YD, Ittner, LM, Balleine, BW, Furlong, TM & Camp, AJ, 2020. K369I tau mice demonstrate a shift towards striatal neuron burst firing and goal-directed behaviour. Neuroscience. Read More.
Bradfield, LA, Leung, BK, Boldt, S, Liang, S, Balleine, BW (2020). Goal-directed actions transiently depend on dorsal hippocampus. Nature Neuroscience, 23, 1194–1197. Read More.
Turner, KM, & Parkes, SL (2020) Prefrontal regulation of behavioural control: Evidence from learning theory and translational approaches in rodents. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 118, 27-41. Read More.
Morse AK, Leung BK, Heath E, Bertran-Gonzalez J, Pepin E, Chieng BC, Balleine BW and Laurent V (2020). Basolateral amygdala drives a GPCR-based striatal memory process necessary for predictive learning to influence choice. Neuron, Mar 29:S0896-6273(20)30193-8. Read More.
van Timmeren T, Quail SL, Balleine BW, Geurts DEM, Goudriaan AE, van Holst RJ. (2020). Intact corticostriatal control of goal-directed action in Alcohol Use Disorder: a Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer and outcome-devaluation study. Scientific Reports, Mar 18;10(1):4949. Read More.
Bradfield, L.A. and Hart, G. (2020). Rodent medial and lateral orbitofrontal cortices represent unique components of cognitive maps of task space. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 108, 287-294. Read more.
Matamales, M, McGovern, AE, Mi, JD, Mazzone, SB, Balleine, BW, Bertran-Gonzalez, J (2020). Local D2- to D1-neuron transmodulation updates goal-directed learning in the striatum. Science, Jan 31;367(6477):549-555. Read More.
Payzan-LeNestour E, Balleine BW, Doran J., Nave G. & Pradier L. (2020). Friend or foe: The influence of ambient sound on risk. Read More.
Balleine, B.W. & Dezfouli, A. (2019). Hierarchical action control: Adaptive collaboration between actions and habits. Frontiers in Psychology, Dec 11;10:2735. Read More.
Balleine, B.W. (2019). The meaning of behavior: Discriminating reflex and volition in the brain. Neuron, Oct 9;104(1):47-62. Read More.
Dezfouli, A. & Balleine, B.W. (2019). Learning the structure of the world: The adaptive nature of state-space and action representations in multi-stage decision-making. PLoS Computational Biology, Sep 6;15(9):e1007334. Read More.
Dezfouli, A., Griffiths, K., Dayan, P. & Balleine, B.W. (2019). Models that learn as humans learn: The case of decision-making and its disorders. PLoS Computational Biology, Jun 11;15(6):e1006903. Read More.
Carter, A., Richards, L.J., Apthorp, D., Azghadi, M.R., Badcock, D.R., Balleine, B.W., et al (2019). A neuroethics framework for the Australian Brain Initiative. Neuron, 101(3), 351-542. Read More.
Dezfouli, A., Morris, R., Ramos, F., Dayan, P. & Balleine, B.W. (2019). Integrated accounts of behavioral and neuroimaging data using flexible recurrent neural network models. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 31 (NIPS 2018). Read More.
Kyme, A., Angelis, G.I., Eisenhuth, J., Fulton, R.R., Zhou, V., Hart, G., Popovic, K., Akhtar, M., Ryder, W.J., Clemens, K., Balleine, B.W., Parmar, A., Pascali, G., Perkins, G. & Meikle, S.R. (2019). Open-Field PET: Simultaneous brain functional imaging and behavioural response measurements in freely moving animals. Neuroimage, Mar; 188: 92-101. Read More.
Dezfouli, A., Balleine, B.W. & Nock, R. (2019). Optimal response vigor and choice under non-stationary outcome values. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Feb; 26(1): 182-204. Read More.
Peak, J., Hart, G. & Balleine, B.W. (2019). From learning to action: The integration of dorsal striatal input and output pathways in instrumental conditioning. European Journal of Neuroscience, Mar; 49(5): 658-671. Read More.
Bouton, M.E. & Balleine, B.W. (2019). Prediction and control of operant behavior: What you see is not all there is. Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice, May;19(2):202-212. Read More.
Lingawi, N. W., Laurent, V., Westbrook, R. F., and Holmes, N. M. (2019). The role of the basolateral amygdala and infralimbic cortex in (re)learning extinction. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 236, 303-312. Read More.
Cummins, N., Tweedie, A., Zuryn, S., Bertran‐Gonzalez, J., & Götz, J. (2019). Disease‐associated tau impairs mitophagy by inhibiting Parkin translocation to mitochondria. The EMBO journal, 38(3), e99360. Read More.
Wong, S., Balleine, B.W. & Kumfor, F. (2018). A new framework for conceptualizing symptoms in frontotemporal dementia: From the models to the clinic. Brain. Aug 1;141(8):2245-2254. Read More.
Bradfield, L.A, Hart, G. & Balleine, B.W. (2018). Inferring action-dependent outcome representations depends on anterior but not posterior medial orbitofrontal cortex. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Sep 19;155:463-473. Read More.
Hart, G., Bradfield, L.A., Fok, S., Chieng, B. & Balleine, B.W. (2018). The bilateral prefronto-striatal pathway is necessary for learning new goal-directed actions. Current Biology, July 23; 28(14), 2218-2229. Read More.
Morris, R.W., Cryzon, C., Green, M.J., X Le Pelley, M.E. & Balleine, B.W. (2018). Impairments in action-outcome learning in schizophrenia. Translational Psychiatry, Mar 3; 8(1): 54. Read More.
Hart, G., Bradfield, L.A. & Balleine, B.W. (2018). Prefrontal cortico-striatal disconnection blocks the acquisition of goal-directed action. Journal of Neuroscience, Jan 31;38(5):1311-1322. Read More.
Laurent, V., Balleine, B.W. & Westbrook R.F. (2018). Motivational state controls the prediction error in Pavlovian appetitive-aversive interactions. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Jan;147:18-25. Read More.
Kassam, M., Fok, S.Y.Y., Smith, K.L., Kuligoweski, M. & Balleine, B.W. (2018). A novel, modernized Golgi-Cox stain optimized for CLARITY cleared tissue. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Jan 15;294:102-110. Read More.
Heath, E.M., Chieng, B., Christie, M.J. & Balleine, B.W. (2018). Substance P and dopamine interact to modulate the distribution of delta-opioid receptors on cholinergic interneurons in the striatum. European Journal of Neuroscience, 47, 1159–1173. Read More.
Furlong, T.M., Corbit, L.H., Brown, R.A.M. & Balleine, B.W. (2018). Methamphetamine promotes habitual action and alters the density of striatal glutamate-receptor and -vesicular proteins in dorsal striatum. Addiction Biology, May; 23(3): 857-867. Read More.
Lingawi, N. W., Andrew, E., Laurent, V., Killcross, S., Westbrook, R. F., and Holmes, N. M. (2018). The conditions that regulate formation of a false fear memory in rats. Neurobiol Learn Mem 156, 53-59. Read More.
Lingawi, N. W., Holmes, N. M., Westbrook, R. F., and Laurent, V. (2018). The infralimbic cortex encodes inhibition irrespective of motivational significance. Neurobiol Learn Mem 150, 64-74. Read More.
Goarin, E. H. F., Lingawi, N. W., and Laurent, V. (2018). Role Played by the Passage of Time in Reversal Learning. Front Behav Neurosci 12, 75. Read More.
Bradfield, L. A., Matamales, M., & Bertran-Gonzalez, J. (2018). The Thalamostriatal Pathway and the Hierarchical Control of Action. Neuron, 100(3), 521-523. Read More.
Matamales, M. Skrbis, Z., Bailey, M.R. Balsam, P.D., Balleine, B.W., Gotz, J., Bertran-Gonzalez, J. (2017). A corticostriatal deficit promotes temporal distortion of automatic action in aging. eLife, Oct 23;6. pii: e29908. Read More.
Laurent, V., Wong, F.L. & Balleine, B.W. (2017). The lateral habenula and its input to the rostromedial tegmental nucleus mediates outcome-specific conditioned inhibition. Journal of Neuroscience. Nov 8;37(45):10932-10942. Read More.
Quail, S.L., Laurent, V. & Balleine, B.W. (2017). Inhibitory Pavlovian-instrumental transfer in humans. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition, Oct; 43(4): 315-324. Read More.
Becchi, S., Buson, A., Foot, J., Jarolimek, W. & Balleine, B.W. (2017). Semicarbazide Sensitive Amine Oxidase/Vascular Adhesion Protein-1 inhibition reduces lipopolysaccharide-induced neuroinflammation. British Journal of Pharmacology, Jul;174(14):2302-2317. Read More.
Bradfield LA, Balleine BW. (2017). Thalamic control of dorsomedial striatum regulates internal state to guide goal-directed action selection. Journal of Neuroscience, Mar 29;37(13):3721-3733. Read More.
Angus DJ, Latham AJ, Harmon-Jones E, Deliano M, Balleine B, Braddon-Mitchell D. (2017). Electrocortical components of anticipation and consumption in a monetary incentive delay task. Psychophysiology, Nov; 54(11): 1686-1705. Read More.
Furlong, T.M., Supit, A.S.A, Corbit, L.H., Killcross, S. & Balleine, B.W. (2017). Pulling habits out of rats: Adenosine 2A receptor antagonism in dorsomedial striatum rescues methamphetamine-induced deficits in goal-directed action. Addiction Biology Oct 30 Oct 30; 22(1):172-183. Read More.
Parkes SL, Furlong TM, Black AD, Balleine BW. (2017). Intermittent feeding alters sensitivity to changes in reward value. Appetite. Jun 1; 113: 1-6. Read More.
Quail SL, Morris RW, Balleine BW. (2017). Stress associated changes in Pavlovian-instrumental transfer in humans. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (Hove). Apr; 70(4): 675-685. Read More.
Yücel M, Carter A, Allen A, Balleine B, Clark L, Dowling N, Gainsbury S, Goudriaan A, Grant J, Hayes A, Hodgins D, van Holst R, Lattimore R, Livingstone C, Lorenzetti V, Lubman D, Murawski C, Parkes L, Petry N, Room R, Singh B, Thomas A, Townshend P, Youssef G, Hall W (2017) Neuroscience in gambling policy and treatment: an interdisciplinary perspective. Lancet Psychiatry. 2017 Feb 14. pii: S2215-0366(16)30369-8. Read More.
Lingawi, N. W., Westbrook, R. F., and Laurent, V. (2017). Extinction of relapsed fear does not require the basolateral amygdala. Neurobiology of learning and memory 139, 149-156. Read More.
Lingawi, N. W., Westbrook, R. F., and Laurent, V. (2017). Extinction and Latent Inhibition Involve a Similar Form of Inhibitory Learning that is Stored in and Retrieved from the Infralimbic Cortex. Cereb Cortex 27, 5547-5556. Read More.
Nishi, A., Matamales, M., Musante, V., Valjent, E., Kuroiwa, M., Kitahara, Y., Rebholz H., Greengard P., Girault J. A., Nairn, A. C. (2017). Glutamate counteracts dopamine/PKA signaling via dephosphorylation of DARPP-32 Ser-97 and alteration of its cytonuclear distribution. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 292(4), 1462-1476. Read More.
Doly, S., Quentin, E., Eddine, R., Tolu, S., Fernandez, S. P., Bertran-Gonzalez, J., Valjent, E., Belmer, A., Viñals, X., Callebert, J., Faure, P. (2017). Serotonin 2B receptors in mesoaccumbens dopamine pathway regulate cocaine responses. Journal of Neuroscience, 37(43), 10372-10388. Read More.
Furlong, T.M., Duncan, J.R., Corbit, L.H., Rae, C.D., Rowlands, B.D., Maher, A.D., Nasrallah, F.A., Milligan, C.J., Petrou, S., Lawrence, A.J. & Balleine, B.W. (2016). Toluene inhalation in adolescent rats reduces flexible behaviour in adulthood and alters glutamatergic and GABAergic signaling. Journal of Neurochemistry. 139(5), 806-822. Read More.
Laurent, V., Chieng, B. & Balleine, B.W. (2016). Extinction generates outcome specific conditioned inhibition. Current Biology, Dec 5;26(23):3169-3175. Read More. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2016.09.021.
Hart, G. & Balleine, B.W. (2016). Consolidation of goal-directed action depends on MAPK/ERK signalling in rodent prelimbic cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 36(47):11974 –11986. Read More.
Cartoni, E., Balleine, B.W. & Baldassarre, G. (2016). Appetitive Pavlovian-instrumental transfer: a review. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 71: 829-848. Read More.
Griffiths, K., Lagopoulos, J., Hermens, D., Lee, R., Guastella, A., Hickie, I. & Balleine, B.W. (2016). Impaired causal awareness and associated cortical-basal ganglia structural changes in youth psychiatric disorders. Neuroimage: Clinical, Jul 7;12:285-92. Read More.
Alvares, G.A., Balleine, B.W., Whittle, L. & Guastella, A.J. (2016). Reduced goal-directed action control in autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research, 9(12), 1285-1293, Read More.
Payzan-LeNestour, Balleine, B.W., Berrada, T & Pearson, J. (2016). Variance after-effects distort risk perception in humans. Current Biology, Jun 6; 26(11):1500-4. Read More.
Matamales M, Skrbis Z, Hatch, RJ, Balleine BW, Götz J, & Bertran-Gonzalez, J. (2016). Aging-related dysfunction of striatal cholinergic interneurons produces conflict in action selection. Neuron, Apr 20;90(2):362-73. Read More.
Corbit LH, Balleine BW. (2016). Learning and motivational processes contributing to Pavlovian-instrumental transfer and their neural bases: Dopamine and beyond. Curr Topics in Behav Neurosci, 27:259-89. Read More.
Leah PM, Heath EM, Balleine BW, Christie MJ. (2016). Chronic Morphine Reduces Surface Expression of δ-Opioid Receptors in Subregions of Rostral Striatum. Neurochem Res., Mar; 41(3):500-9. Read More.
Matamales, M., Götz, J., & Bertran-Gonzalez, J. (2016). Quantitative imaging of cholinergic interneurons reveals a distinctive spatial organization and a functional gradient across the mouse striatum. PloS one, 11(6), e0157682. Read More.